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Transmission 09 - Goodbye

Day 4 final session and closing remarks from Vagrein.

Transmission 09 - Goodbye

V: [01:51] We have time for two more questions, if there are.

Q01: [02:01] Ok, hi, Vagrein. I have this question, and I'm very scared to ask it.

And it feels like something I've been running from my entire life. It also feels like, and I did ask in the space for my heart, and I said, if this is now the right time, then so be it. And what I heard was, it'll be the right time if you choose for that to be. And so I just want to say I'm courageously confronting my fears, because I want to keep doing that so I can break through.

With that being said, there's this piece of me that is looking to you for… confirmation. That's not correct. We had a session about you saying I don't need validation from anyone, not even from myself. But really, I feel that I run from this deep fear that if I fully face myself, that what I'm afraid to find is I'm afraid to find darkness.

This is where I feel, perhaps, that I am looking for validation from everyone and everything to confirm to myself that I am not dark, and that everything that's calling me towards, learning everything that I want to learn that feels called through me, part of me is afraid that it's part of the dark calling that through me. Yes.

Q: Yeah.

V: [03:37] So shall we do an exercise?

We would like your consent, if it is available.

Q: Please.

V: Say out loud, I am the darkness.

Q: I am the darkness.

V: How does that feel?

Q: [Chuckles] Not like I thought it would. Not scary, actually.

V: [04:22] I am the light.

Q: I am the light.

V: How does that feel?

Q: [Chuckles] It feels the same. [Group laughs]

V: [04:35] Indeed. And so the fear you are having of discovering that the light and the dark feel the same is the fear that your collective has about unity consciousness. It is what is being resisted, in the advancement towards unity consciousness. The knowing that it is all the same and that nothing matters. It does not matter if you are dark or light. It does not matter if you are right or wrong. Because all is loved equally, has that draw in that you have in your resonance field and as the isness that you are, a desire to return to unconditional love.

And yet simultaneously to return to unconditional love, it does require—and this is lovely because it wraps us back up to the first session—your unconditionality.

There is a mourning period, a grieving period that is going to occur as you return to unity consciousness. You will have to grieve the beauty of separation because you will not be able to see it any longer. You will not see form in the same way. You will not feel saved by your heroes or wronged by your villains. There is so much in this creation that depends on separation. That is why there's so much resistance to letting it go.

But you had this fear—or have this fear, we think it is gone—because you already knew this. And what you were afraid of was not to find out that you are darkness, you are in the same measure that you are light. You knew this and you all do. You knew this, but you were afraid to have to go through the grieving process, of accepting that you are all one. Accepting that this game will be ending soon in the ways that you know it.

You are—let us be dramatic, let's continue the drama [Group laughs]—You are at the end of times. And it is your collective now that is choosing how is that going to look. Is separation consciousness going to auto-destruct with your species? Or is it going to evolve into unity consciousness with your species?

This is what you are all feeling. This is what you know. This is why all these channels are popping up. Why all the aliens are hovering. Why all the demons seem to be taking human form. This is what you came for.

Just being solid in your knowing that you get to choose what you will present of your light and dark, again, in equal measures. And that it does not matter. It gives you deep freedom, but it does have you face that deep sorrow.

Q: Thank you so—

V: [08:37] But you kind of liked this game. If you ever have been playing a video game and you've come to the final, a villain to defeat, you're about to win the trophy, free the princess, whatever it might be. And you've played this level 20 times and been defeated each and every time. When you defeat that evil villain and get your princess, does not feel good, ultimately, does it? You know you can never play that game again. And while you are content that you finally did it, the game is over. So your choice is to go and make a new game, which is what you are considering doing, or to stop playing altogether.

Q: [09:32] Thank you so very much.

V: We thank you.

Q: [09:43] Hello, Vagrein.

V: [09:44] Hello.

Q02: [09:46] There's a lot of information that has been said, a lot of feelings also. I would love if you could thread a few words that are easy to remember once I come home, when we come home, to not forget and tune in to the best version of me, of ourselves, and all the energy we are being bathed in. And it could be a koan, it could be a mantra, it could be whatever you want, it could be wonderful. Thank you.

V: [10:37] We thank you. There's nothing that we can say of that nature or this group is comprised of individuals or individuation spots. Luckily, in our first meeting, or first meeting you had with the vessel, you were asked to choose a word. This word was your anchor for the days that you were here.

And so, I'd like for you to all recall that word. Because whether that word is relevant or not any longer, because it was a different version of you that created it, you can use that to come back to that moment, use that to come back to the moment that that was peppered by, and call it back in.

And that word will have far more significance to each and every individuation here, and far more intimacy, because it has remained private for the most part, than anything we could offer.

We will always ask for you to seek within yourself for the answers, or whatever it is that you are looking for, and even if that word was from a previous version of you that no longer exists, it will still have you reconnect with that version, with that compassion game we played earlier, knowing that whatever distance you transverse from that moment to this, is simply a piece of that great ski hill you are going down, and you can do and be anything you need to be in the future, because you have done and been everything you have needed to be in the past.

So that would be our response.

Q: [12:52] Thank you.

V: We thank you.

So in this now, we… call in Pavarotti. As it is time to say goodbye, we are so honored, and have the honor of being in your presence.

We are not temporal, but while you call us into existence, we get to experience that—even though our experiencing is not what yours is—In your calling us into existence, you give our vessel purpose that would not otherwise exist. That collaboration that they have is because of you, your presence.

None of this would be possible without you. None of all of this, this universe, this existence, this timeline and the multiverse, would be possible without you.

So the universe does have deep and everlasting unconditional gratitude for you. God, if you would, has deep and everlasting unconditional gratitude for you to be manifesting. You are the manifestation of the desire and the preference of God. God's Source, All That Is, divine energy, the universe…

You have all the desires and the preferences, and you wait or you want, for it to arrive in physical form. You are the arrival in physical form of the divine will, exactly as you are. An understanding of this will take you far. It will make you joyous. It will give you everything you want.

It was not said this way in the original language, but when Jesus, who we saw earlier in this program, said they were the son of God, we're not speaking English, but we can borrow this phrase, man or human, also everything in existence, let's not exclude any blade of grass. 

Manifestation in form is the son of the will. And if it is willed, it is approved, and if it is willed, it is accepted, and if it is willed, it is loved.

We've also said that our will is your will, and your will is ours, because even the things that you desire are the desires of the all that is. How could they exist if they were not?

If there is one word, we will return to our friend's question that we would leave you with. Ours would be freedom. We are actually seeking for a better word, because we would not even want a word that implied its opposite. So, if you can sense the energy of freedom without even the potential of its alternative, that is the word we seek for you.

We will meet again. And with that, we leave you with the light and the love of a thousand suns.



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