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Che cos'è la canalizzazione?

e cosa può fare

Che cos'è la canalizzazione?

La canalizzazione è una forma naturale di comunicazione tra umani e non umani... questo può includere ciò che si etichetta come Dio, angeli, entità non fisiche, spiriti, esseri, alieni, persino animali e vegetazione. Tutti possono canalizzare e spesso, senza saperlo, tutti lo fanno.

Un channeler è molto simile a un traduttore o interprete di lingue. Sono qualcuno con la capacità di permettere a se stessi di percepire la comunicazione non verbale da un altro essere e poi tradurla in parole umane permettendo al messaggio di arrivare direttamente attraverso di loro.

Nel caso di Vagrein, mi permetto di ascoltare una specifica banda di frequenza e poi mi rilasso parlando o scrivendo da quello spazio. La mia mente e la mia coscienza sono temporaneamente messe sul sedile del passeggero e ho avuto il volante su di loro mentre mi rilasso. Posso, in qualsiasi momento, dire loro di fermare la macchina, e se c'è qualcosa di interessante nello scenario posso ricordare cosa abbiamo passato, ma la maggior parte delle volte dopo la sessione i miei ricordi di ciò che è stato discusso saranno molto vaghi.

Quando ascolti o leggi qualsiasi materiale canalizzato, è importante che TU sia colui che sta discernendo se quel materiale è per te, e il lavoro di Vagrein non è diverso. Non tutti i canali funzionano con intenzioni pure e non tutti i messaggeri non umani condividono la saggezza che è nel tuo massimo beneficio. È responsabilità del canalizzatore discernere se l'energia che arriva è benevola e quindi è responsabilità dell'ascoltatore decidere se quell'informazione gli sta servendo, senza adottarla ciecamente.

L'informazione canalizzata pura ha le seguenti caratteristiche:

  1. È comprensivo di tutto. Non esclude alcun ascoltatore o lettore basato su alcun criterio.

  2. È potenziante e amorevole, non timoroso.

  3. Rispetta il tuo libero arbitrio e il diritto di scegliere cosa credere o non credere.

  4. Non fa alcun tentativo di costringerti a prendere decisioni o azioni.

  5. Sembra vero nel tuo cuore.

  6. Non pretende di essere l'unica fonte delle stesse informazioni. Non esalta il canalizzatore. Non pretende di essere più di te o più in alto di te in alcun modo.

  7. C'è contenuto nelle informazioni da cui stai imparando e offre nuove soluzioni o prospettive alle tue circostanze spirituali e quotidiane.

  8. Ti sembra giusto ascoltare o leggere. Sembra di essere a casa.

È mia convinzione che il contenuto proveniente da Vagrein in questo momento soddisfi i criteri di cui sopra e vi invito a godervi il contenuto nei molti modi che stiamo fornendo.

Tanto amore.


Ci sono poco meno di 100 canali di Vagrein disponibili gratuitamente su YouTube. Dai un'occhiata e iscriviti ora

Video Section Walkthrough - Vagrein Membership Site

Video Section Walkthrough - Vagrein Membership Site

WHO OR WHAT IS VAGREIN? Vagrein is a channeled non-physical entity group that transcends time, space, and material form. Identified as infinite intelligence with no fixed location or timeline, their profound messages are brought through by their channel, Jessie Herman, since 2019. Vagrein’s teachings center on themes like unity consciousness, radical self-acceptance, spiritual enlightenment, and finding inner peace. Their messages inspire spiritual seekers on the path to self-discovery, awakening, and being of service to others while navigating the human experience. Vagrein's distinctive voice combines wisdom, humor, and a fresh perspective on spiritual truths. Their channeling sessions have drawn comparisons to renowned spiritual teachers like Seth from Seth Speaks, Bashar, Ra from The Law of One, and Abraham Hicks. These parallels help bridge the gap for those familiar with The Law of Attraction, A Course in Miracles, or other channeled teachings. As advocates of unity consciousness, Vagrein highlights the interconnectedness of all existence, encouraging us to see ourselves as part of a greater whole. Their messages of self-love and authentic living empower individuals to align with their higher purpose while embracing their unique spiritual journey. Through humor and compassion, Vagrein makes deep spiritual insights accessible and uplifting, helping listeners integrate these lessons into their daily lives. Their teachings weave together ancient wisdom and modern spiritual concepts, offering guidance that resonates across belief systems and helps foster spiritual growth. Explore the layers of meaning behind non-duality, channeling alien intelligence, and the transformative power of light as you journey with Vagrein into a deeper understanding of yourself and the universe. WHO IS JESSIE HERMAN? Jessie Herman is a channeler, life coach, and energy healer, known for her dedication to helping people align with their natural state of well-being. Through her connection with Vagrein, Jessie assists humanity in transitioning to a more loving, peaceful, and unified consciousness. Jessie’s work focuses on empowering individuals to embrace their authentic selves, explore their spiritual potential, and create positive change in their lives and the world around them. CONNECT WITH VAGREIN AND JESSIE: 🌟 Book a 1-on-1 Channeling Session with Vagrein: 🎁 Free Gift: Download free chapters from the Vagrein book: 🌐 Learn More: Visit Jessie’s official website: FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE: 📸 Instagram: 📺 Subscribe on YouTube: Jessie + Vagrein Channeling
Vagrein Live Group Session December 16th 2024

Vagrein Live Group Session December 16th 2024

00:00 Building Momentum for the new Year 02:52 Understanding Momentum in Personal Growth 07:16 Exploring Personal Challenges 17:48 Navigating relationships in Family dynamics 20:35 health and Awakening : Migranes and Dizziness 23:27 Understanding Physical Discomfort 28:13 Navigating Life Transitions and Spiritual Aspirations 34:00 Parenting Challenges and teen rebellion 37:22 Workplace Pain and a Call to change 50:53 Dream Stataes and processing Collective Emotions 56:17 Exploring Telepathic Links 59:44 Masterign Growth Through Self Acceptance 01:02:16 Understanding Anger 01:06:00 The dance of relationships 01:11:11 Dreams as Guidance and Intuition 01:15:00 Interplay of Individual Creation WHO OR WHAT IS VAGREIN? Vagrein is a channeled non-physical entity group that transcends time, space, and material form. Identified as infinite intelligence with no fixed location or timeline, their profound messages are brought through by their channel, Jessie Herman, since 2019. Vagrein’s teachings center on themes like unity consciousness, radical self-acceptance, spiritual enlightenment, and finding inner peace. Their messages inspire spiritual seekers on the path to self-discovery, awakening, and being of service to others while navigating the human experience. Vagrein's distinctive voice combines wisdom, humor, and a fresh perspective on spiritual truths. Their channeling sessions have drawn comparisons to renowned spiritual teachers like Seth from Seth Speaks, Bashar, Ra from The Law of One, and Abraham Hicks. These parallels help bridge the gap for those familiar with The Law of Attraction, A Course in Miracles, or other channeled teachings. As advocates of unity consciousness, Vagrein highlights the interconnectedness of all existence, encouraging us to see ourselves as part of a greater whole. Their messages of self-love and authentic living empower individuals to align with their higher purpose while embracing their unique spiritual journey. Through humor and compassion, Vagrein makes deep spiritual insights accessible and uplifting, helping listeners integrate these lessons into their daily lives. Their teachings weave together ancient wisdom and modern spiritual concepts, offering guidance that resonates across belief systems and helps foster spiritual growth. Explore the layers of meaning behind non-duality, channeling alien intelligence, and the transformative power of light as you journey with Vagrein into a deeper understanding of yourself and the universe. WHO IS JESSIE HERMAN? Jessie Herman is a channeler, life coach, and energy healer, known for her dedication to helping people align with their natural state of well-being. Through her connection with Vagrein, Jessie assists humanity in transitioning to a more loving, peaceful, and unified consciousness. Jessie’s work focuses on empowering individuals to embrace their authentic selves, explore their spiritual potential, and create positive change in their lives and the world around them. CONNECT WITH VAGREIN AND JESSIE: 🌟 Book a 1-on-1 Channeling Session with Vagrein: 🎁 Free Gift: Download free chapters from the Vagrein book: 🌐 Learn More: Visit Jessie’s official website: FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE: 📸 Instagram: 📺 Subscribe on YouTube: Jessie + Vagrein Channeling
Galactic Connections, Soul Guidance, and Multidimensional Potential : Unlock Your Purpose

Galactic Connections, Soul Guidance, and Multidimensional Potential : Unlock Your Purpose

For more galactic connections Are you curious about your soul's purpose and connections beyond this world? In this enlightening clip from a participant session, we delve into the experience of pre-life planning, exploring themes like galactic connections, personal inspiration, and multidimensional potential. Discover how to align with your chosen purpose, embrace your role as a "lighthouse," and step into your power as an inspiration to others, even during life's storms. Learn how imagination and intention can unlock deeper awareness of your connections and guide you toward greater joy and unity consciousness. If this message speaks to you, take a moment to reflect on the possibilities it opens for your own journey. Be sure to like, subscribe, and share your thoughts in the comments below—we’d love to hear from you! For more inspiring content and details about upcoming events, please visit my website Sending you love, light, and encouragement on your path. —————————— Learn more about Jessie Herman and Vagrein Book a 1 on 1 channeling session with Vagrein at 🗓️ 🎁 To learn more about Vagrein and to download free chapters of the book: ➡️ – – – Let’s Connect: – – – 👉 Over on Instagram: 👉 Website/Blog:
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