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Day 1 - Q+A (02)

First Question + Answers Session of the Acqui Terme Retreat - June 2024

Day 1 - Q+A (02)

V: [01:20] We are here, and when you are ready make yourself known to our friend if you would like to have a conversation.

Q: [01:32] Hello Vagrein.

V: Hello.

Q01: I'm here. Thank you for calling me here. It's everything I ask for and more. And first of all, do you have a message for me?

V: [01:49] Well we did not call you, you called yourself as you know, and we would emphasize this for you to remember, is that everything that you are experiencing is your creation; what you have created if it is more pleasant for you, if you are enjoying it, does merit your own pat on the back.

Therefore you can say to yourself: “Hey, look at this. I am wonderful creator. I am doing all of this for myself. I am making better choices. I am letting go of those thoughts and those feelings that do not serve me. I am allowing myself to begin to enjoy myself or to continue to enjoy myself within the life that I am creating for me.

Q02: [02:30] Yes. I want to ask you about (name) and (name), they felt to me like they were like my mom's in the other lives. This is true, can you detail? [sic]

V: [02:47] Well, as you know there is everything in creation everything does have a parallel energy manifestation in the infinite realities that are unfolding in this ever present and non-linear now. Therefore you can say—and this is… you will become accustomed of our yes and no answers because they are often the only answer that can be offered to you, but we do endeavor to explain both the yes and the no—

The yes would be because yes of course in parallel existences that is the relationship that these energy frequencies have chosen to interact with and in.

There is also the no, because you are in this particular incarnation in this now moment having wonderful unique experiences for the first time.

And in this case there is also a third option which is the fact that everything is occurring in parallel. The fact that you too have been their mothers in any of those parallel realities.

Q: Wow.

V: What we are trying to underline when we are explaining or answering this way to this genre of question, this type of question, is that anything that you can imagine is. What you are choosing to imagine has significance to you in this particular incarnation.

Yes, so if you are choosing with your imagination—which is a creator of worlds—to feel like they are mothers in past lives, if you would like to also imagine that past lives are something that is real—by the way nothing is [Group chuckles], in the way that you have defined that word—but if you are choosing that, then what is more significant than whether or not that is real, is the fact that you are choosing that.

And in that, you have the potential for much benefit from realization, because—and we will help you on your way to this realization—if you are feeling that energy, and thinking about that energy, and that energy feels and is pleasant for you, then you are on the right track, whether or not that has significance in some parallel existence. What it does mean is it has significance in this parallel existence.

So if you are feeling love, and you are feeling connection, and you are feeling safe, and you are feeling like you can spend time with your own inner child because of the support of these beings, then isn't that a wonderful experience to be having. What perhaps is dampening that experience is you adding some thoughts to it that are not beneficial. These might be that doubt we spoke of earlier.

Q03: [05:57] Yeah, and my last questions: do you see any of realities where I saved my mom? [sic]

V: [06:06] Well, yes of course.

Q: Yes.

V: The question is: do you see them?

Q: Yes.

V: And can you tune into that energy of everything being okay? Because in this particular reality, what you are perceiving of us—and by the way there was no saving to be had in this reality—what you were perceiving of as separate from or different than that reality, is not actually separate from or different than that reality.

You can by the way also time travel or by-locate into multiple realities because it is a feeling state that you can bother barter borrow from the other reality. So if you choose to have a walk in the park with the version of you that did, quote, “save your mother” then you can very easily feel as they feel. We would suggest to choose to feel that way now in this reality because your mother was not lost.

Q: [07:14] Thank you very much.

V: We thank you

Q: feel it.

Q: Hello Vagrein.

V: Hello.

Q04: [07:23] Can you please share with me what Jessie wrote or transmitted in my light language artwork?

(...) [half a minute of silence]

V: [08:03] So have you understood now?

Q: Yes. Thank you.

V: We thank you.

Q: [08:18] Hello Vagrein.

V: Hello.

Q05: Um, I wanted to ask you if you could clarify a little bit what the soul is. Um, because I've for some years now I've had some confusion, and I was afraid that my soul would think that I was not deserving of my soul, and things like that.

And the second part of the question would be, um, how does it feel? Can you feel it in your body when you are not following your soul's, um, path? Thank you.

V: [08:50] Yes.

V: [08:57] So, you are your soul. The confusion that you are experiencing is a part of the manifestation that you've created to be an individuation. You choose or chose to have difficulty for whatever reason, for your growth, because you knew it would benefit you.

And when we say you in this context we do mean what you have been referring to as the soul. So, you came and chose that, in the particular incarnation that you would have, you would have this perception of being separate from your soul; of this perception that your soul was some entity that could be judgmental of you, something that you needed to deserve or to become worthy to be able to receive or to feel. This is not the case at all.

The soul is a completeness of the individuation in its entirety. It is your body it is your thoughts, it is your emotion, it is your feeling states… It is everything, in the same way that you cannot drive a car with just the steering wheel. Sure you can run, and hold it in place and pretend you have a car, but a car, or isness of a human, or a being does comprise of all of its components and there are not separable.

So you are your soul and your soul contains—if that would be the terminology you would want to use, it is not accurate—everything that you are perceiving of as, what you have now claimed or identified with as you.

Because the way in which we're speaking about this question implies that you know who you are, but then we would have to ask you questions as are you the thoughts in your mind? are you the feelings that come and go? are you the body that has altered itself cellularly from the moment you were conceived up until this very day? You cannot answer concretely “Yes, I am this one hair on my head. This is me.” because you know it is all of it. Your thoughts, they are changing in continuation. The only thing that remains consistent throughout your experience is that connection with what you call soul.

We would invite at this point in this interaction, for all of you, to begin to think, consider identifying with that broader aspect of yourself as opposed to what you are perceiving of as the human being.

The broader aspect of yourself does also contain anything you perceive of as being your faults. It does not see them as faults. It sees them as delightful nuances of the creation that it is, that it can work with, that it can choose to interact with in many different ways.

It, at times, choose to interact with certain nuances of itself in that tricky self-judgment, or doubt, or insecurity, or any of these energies with which you are familiar, but that doesn't make the doubt, the insecurity or whatever else it is, you and the soul separate from you. The soul does not see it; it loves your insecurity, it loves your doubt, it loves every single thing about you. Everything. So you can never fail your soul. You can't even fail that aspect of you that is higher than the individuation of what you would consider your soul.

So if we were to give definition to soul we would say it is the part of you that is non-physical, that has chosen to become individuated. It is that thing that you believe yourselves to be when you are ghosts.

So, that would be the answer to the first part of the question. For the second part, if we can retrieve it somewhere in this database… Would you repeat it?

Q: [13:12] Yes, but maybe doesn't make much sense anymore. I was ask—

V: That’s why it's gone. [Group laughs]

Q: Thank you.

V: We thank you.

Q: [13:29] hello Vagrein

V: Hello.

Q06: I just have a burning question. I need to know, as with regards to—this feels like home to me—coming to Italy. And I have wanted to be here for many, many years. I didn't know how I was going to end up here, and, well here I am. But it wasn't at all how I had expected to be here.

Just, I guess I wanted some clarification because I believe there's more to just me coming to Italy. There is a portion of me that I believe existed, and that the transformation will occur here, because it is home.

V: [14:20] Well we are confused about the question as you added the word need. There is nothing you need to know, by any means whatsoever. So we will pretend we did not hear that.

Moving forward with the rest of your question, what we will say is you are already transformed. And yes, there was that desire within you. This comes back to what we were saying earlier about desires. They are pointing you whispers in the direction of what would be fulfilling for you, for this experiment of the human.

So you had a calling towards Italy, perhaps you thought you would be going on a trip, perhaps you thought you would be studying, perhaps you thought many things. You did not know then, you did not need to know, because somehow you did arrive here regardles.

And in the understanding that you do not need to know anything, you will find much freedom and far more knowledge—if that is what you are seeking, we are not saying it is holy to have a desire for knowledge there are many of you who do so, and it is entertaining to have that desire, if it is appropriate for you—but if it feels at any time like a need you are actually being told that what you want is relief from needing to know.

Because you may have been taught that your… knowing things keeps you safe. You may have been taught that your knowing things makes it that people love you. You may have been taught many things that have pointed you in a direction that allows you to believe that that has some value.

With regards to you specifically, in this particular territory, or this area, or this country, the whole planet is your home, from the physical perspective, none of it is from the non-physical perspective. And if you are creating an area that feels good to you, yes, there are probably encounters that are meant to happen in that space, there are probably realizations that are meant to or have the potential.

Nothing is meant to happen. You are creating as you go along, but have the potential for you to fulfill every single desire that you are wanting. So, for you, we would ask you to tune back into a desire that perhaps transcends the need to know, perhaps there is some desire that you are not yet ready or wanting to acknowledge beyond knowing that is coming to fruit for you.

Q: [16:59] Okay, thank you.

V: We thank you.

Q: [17:08] Hi Vagrein.

V: Hello.

Q07: Thank you. Um this has been lovely and along those lines of that question we were all drawn to italy for to see you and to be with you today what is the significance of italy or all of us being in this room right now together with you

V: [17:31] so there's no significance to anything that is important more so than anything else you assign significance because it does help you to very much anchor in things for yourselves you are creating significance from your memories as you go along or from your anticipation of things as you go along and you are very powerful creators so we're not to say that there aren't things that you assign significance to that then have some sort of unfolding for you you are that's powerful you are like wizards you say that the full moon makes people crazy and all of a sudden people are taking off their clothes have a wonderful time tomorrow but that is significance that you are giving to something that the oceans have been interacting with the moon and everything that has gone on and the ideas and your storytellers throughout the eons so you are not actually affected by the moon but yes you are actually affected by the moon the specific significance of this area does have much history to it there have been many cultures through these parts and there is much to be experienced in part the setting for you having created this particular experience has that ancient feeling we too seen in many regards to be ancient it is because universal information has been with you all along you are the newest generation of those who would be able to continue to say the same messages in different words and having this beautiful backdrop of buildings and flavors and sounds and smells does peak something within you about all of those parallel lives that have occurred for you so there is that the significance of your group coming together in this way is to remind you that no matter how alone you have ever felt you are never alone there is resonance throughout your entire collective that is on the exact same frequency bandwidth and pathway as you each are this net of connections is growing it is also simultaneously never been unbroken so this is a reminder more so than a new creation everything about your being here is a reminder of who you are and that each and every one of you is significant we have time for two more questions hello vagran hello so I have a question um when I'm tuned in or tapped into energy my body twitches or it pulls or does weird things in my body um and I used to fight that for a long time but now I just let it happen can you um can you explain or give some information on what is happening or is it is it the energy moving through like releasing blocks or what is going on there well you humans know that you are electrical beings you've all noticed the vessel twitching throughout this transmission it is because the muscles are electrical receptors of energy and there is energy firing through them so as you tune into frequencies or you touch upon that energy of your individuation and beyond you have more electricity running through your body although we would not recommend it anyone is welcome to touch the vessel's hands after this transmission and see how much liquid is dripping off of them the physiological state of accessing more frequency is in part going to provoke certain sensations that are not usual to what you are accustomed to heart rate can change breathing can change you can have twitching in your body this happens also when you are sleeping or you've seen your dogs so it is muscles firing the resistance to it doesn't stop it from occurring you're still twitching but you have muscular control to stop it but if you are putting resistance against something that is happening naturally then you are exerting effort and you can choose for yourself if that effort is worth exerting to stop something that is happening anyway you can of course this goes for any of you if you feel uncomfortable with anything if you are accessing higher frequencies stop it you have that free will do not allow yourself to believe that you must partake in something or that you must transmit something or that you must access something and if you are ever in a thought process where something is telling you you must well then we would suggest that you do resist that because there is nothing within the existence of all that is that would force you to do anything so be suspicious if you are creating that for yourself

Q: [23:33] okay thank you

V:  thank you

Q08: [23:44] hello um so I heard earlier you said you won't accept us saying that we don't know what we I felt like I came here just to have a good time and I didn't feel like I had any other intentions do you see any other things that want to unfold for me on this trip

V: [24:12] well so does she not have the greatest want of all is that about what we have been saying for near five years why can't you just have a good time and we will also remind you that that is the fastest way to be that being that we had spoken of earlier that is the fastest way to be yourself that is the fastest way to be of service that is the fastest way to have the life that you wanted to have is by having that good time now whether or not we see as things unfolding for you of course we do there is infinite possible realities that are unfolding for you in each next now moments they are very much dependent upon the choices you are making for yourself and what you are wanting to create but we will also say that with the intention of being joyful with the intention of being in a good time state you cannot unfold something that is not the next fastest thing to get you to where it is you would next want to be which by the way is another good time to allow yourselves to again this is that hack it doesn't need to be serious we understand that it is we have compassion that it is we have compassion that it's painful we have compassion that it's suffering we have compassion that it's hard to look at the world and see others suffering but it doesn't have to be serious and the less serious you make it yes while holding that compassion because there is that other aspect of believing or hiding one's head in the sand we are not saying to hide one's head in the sand to what you are seeing we are simply saying to see what you are seeing and remember that it is clay to play with and enjoy doing so no matter what that clay smells like we leave you for now we do require you to have a wonderful time tonight and we will be with you the whole time

As always, we leave you the light and the love of a thousand suns.

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