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Transmission 07
Day 3 Afternoon Session

J: [00:00] Okay. So, how was your lunch? Did everyone have a nice lunch? Did you get any of that sun? There's quite a lot of sun today. It's very hot, so that's nice. We have that today, that experience as well. A bit of grey sky, a bit of sunshine, the whole probably be a Q&A session. I might do a bit of monologuing before that, and then afterwards Tanella is going to offer us her gift, and that'll be a bit of motion, and that'll get you guys going again for your big tour in the afternoon. And I'll probably be able to meet you for the wine tasting at the end, so I'm looking forward to that as well. Okay, so I don't think I have anything else to share, except Tegan's got her like, you have to share this. There might be a silent transmission, that is that gauged up energy, on a switch, and we'll see if I'll allow something like that through. No promises. And yeah, just letting you guys know about that. And yeah, just enjoy, as usual.
V: [03:50] So back to where we left off. This is a unique moment in the timeline of your lives, and also of the life of Vessel, in that it is very intimate, this gathering. And you have the opportunity to interact directly with the being that is our host. And we are sure, as she thinks it is quite funny to say this over and over, half joking, but revealing ultimately some part of herself, that she rarely talks to us. Directly. This is true. For each and every one of you that is working through whatever it is, is grievous in your theme, there is no one who is incarnate on this planet that is not also working through what is in their theme. And of course, everything we do share with you at all times, is not only for you, for the collective, and for this vessel.
Q: [16:05] Hello, Vagrein.
V: [16:06] Hello.
Q01: [16:07] Thank you very much for the opportunity to ask you a question. You know, I know your work just for four weeks. Although I'm not new for channeling as a phenomenon. Or not new to the channelers as the messengers. I do channel myself, but I do channel sound. I channel poetry. I channel vibrational energy, most of all. Usually when the information comes to me, it comes in the form of, I may say, even parcel. A parcel which gets downloaded somewhere in my body, not necessarily even in the brain. And usually the parcel just unpacks itself. And the unpacking can last one minute, one moment, one week, or maybe several years. It depends upon the volume, I should say, of the parcel. Although I had one particular experience I would like to address. It was the experience of hearing a voice inside my head. And I would like to address the quality of this voice. The message was clear. It was a very short one. And the voice, it was, I should say, hard as a diamond and sharp as a razor. It had no heart, no compassion. Nothing that could be attributed to any humanness. It was absolutely unhuman. Yes, it was speaking my native language. And working with people, my kind of first goal is to make sure that someone who comes to me leaves me stronger, leaves me not even better, but more fit, more resilient, more open than before seeing me. And yet the message I received for myself was not even harsh. It was ruthless. It was ruthless to the very, I should say, ultimate degree of ruthlessness which can occur in human and non-human communication. So my question is, why? Was the message true?
V: [18:46] Oh, to a certain extent. Yes, so there are energies or consciousnesses or manifestations of consciousness that are not like you. Different levels of consciousness do have different values, shall we say, in the same way there are different value systems on your planet itself. And while you are supported by all of these consciousnesses, it is not as if they too do not sometimes not quite relate. We have been told that we are received in many different ways. Some say that we have a compassionate air. Some say that we have a cutting ability to address the energy that visited you with this message with which parts of resignation occurred. Perhaps did not have compassion. Perhaps does not relate to the human experience in quite that same way that you do. Perhaps is biased towards wisdom as opposed to love. Love and wisdom, that balance that you are seeking on this planet is not universal. Love, yes, is and love is wisdom, ultimately. But there are manifestations of it that perhaps do not have that compassion, that delicateness with which to deliver a message to you, that ability to be kind. It does not mean that they are not or not benevolent. It means that the message was delivered simply in the tone it was delivered in. The answer to the question as to whether or not it was true, you said in part. So in part you were being asked to look at the parts that are true and in part you were being asked to make a decision about the parts that are untrue to you. Your question about why you choose to deliver with such kindness to other human beings and yet this message that came to yourself was so harsh, reveals to us that you have some sort of perception that you are not deserving of that same kindness. So we would ask you where in your life you are not giving yourself that kindness. Where in your life are you not setting boundaries with energies of this particular flavor, shall we say, because you cannot stand up to them and say, actually I don't appreciate your tone. You do have a relationship with everything that is physical and non-physical and when thought forms, whether they be thought forms on their own or they be connected with some other connection, non-physical being, physical being in non-physical form in that moment in time, telepathy, what have you, you can be who you would like to be with them. So if someone came up to you on the street and said the same thing, what would be your response? Oh, that would be quite a harsh response or no response at all. Yes, so that is quite the correct way to respond to this energy. The idea of no response at all does not mean you did not get the message and you do not have the potential to receive what was of value to you because you said some of it was true, therefore you do feel it resonates in some way or has served you, but you do not necessarily need to interact with that energy again. In the same way, if someone came up to you on the streets and said something that was not pleasant or hurtful, you would reflect on that, move away from them of course, but reflect on that and ask yourself, well why was this hurtful or why did this feel so harsh or where is it that I am tired of being talked to in a harsh way and therefore will no longer allow it and set some boundaries for myself. There is no more importance to any non-physical entity than there is to any physical one. You can treat them equally and then, well the truth is you are not treating each other, your physical forms quite well, but when you do get to a state of being able to understand that you are sovereign beings no matter what the circumstance, you will apply that also to your relationship with non-physical form. You can say to this energy, this memory at this point, because it is not here, you can say to it thank you very much and goodbye.
Q: [23:26] Thank you very much
V: thank you so much
Q02: Thank you. I have two questions. Yes. One is, are we as a species moving from third density to fourth density? That is the first question.
V: [23:58] We can take the second question because the first one is very easy to answer.
Q03: [24:04] Okay, well the second question is, assuming that that is the case, since you did not actually answer it, that is okay. You have talked about all our systems that are currently in place on earth needing to change or you have specifically referred to education systems, health systems, financial systems and I can actually understand from my own experience how education systems and health systems can and are already changing. The financial system feels like the frontier that I am least comfortable with and familiar with in terms of filling a way through to some new creation and I am looking for some indicators about what is the new way with money in particular. I know you have spoken about this before and yet it seems the hardest issue for many people to really transform, including myself. I still have the belief sometimes that I can't afford something that I want or that I have to work harder to get what I want and that seems to be very much a part of this financial system, this belief system. So can you give any indicators of what is coming or which direction we can look to in that area? Is it cryptocurrency? Is it something else? Is it just following our passion and being of service and receiving abundance? Yeah, that's a big question but that's it.
V: [26:06] Not big for us. Your two questions are not related at all by the way in that their concept of density is simply an explainer. Many of your systems or theories are in place not because they are a reality but because they do explain in an approximation in a way that is serving to you something that is hard to understand without the words that are connected with them. So the limitation of third, fourth, fifth, eighth, whatever it is, is that it is not a step or a ladder or a staircase but rather a slide and this energy can go up and down willy-nilly because there is no linear time. Therefore, yes, you are shifting from the timeline that you have created into a different reality, a reality that you collectively are choosing. Therefore, it will be experienced or perceived to be experienced by many and you will be able to talk with each other about it as opposed to when you simply shift your reality and become a new self in each now moment. Systems will evolve and change and we are glad that you have some level of vision on education or health or others. That is the big complicated question. We will address the financial one. The good news about this is money does not exist. You created it. You absolutely 100% created every aspect of your trade systems. It is not at all exclusive of you as humans. It is literally your invention and your agreement with one another. None of the paper has any value. None of the metal coins have any value. None of the gold in the vault has any value whatsoever outside of your agreements that it does. Therefore, if you do see your systems, the agreements that you have made in the past, failing or what you perceive of as failing, it is because you are agreeing to something new. Yes, there are two ways to go about this as you are collective. You can support one another and come up with a new idea. Yes, crypto is one of those kinds of ideas that is being experimented with as an alternative. But there are also other ideas that are in the woodwork, shall we say, and that can be smoother for you as you move away from the systems that you have had thus far. But we will say that your probable timeline involves a bit of a bumpy road. You know this because when we say the word money, you are all uncomfortable. So what are you manifesting? You are manifesting discomfort around this word, this system. You've been doing it for a long time. That is why for many of you it has not been playing in your favour or it has not seemed to be playing in your favour. You get that bank balance that is in the wrong colour of ink. It's red. It is not pleasant. But on the other end of it, perhaps you will remember what trade actually is, what exchange actually is, what unity actually is, because the system at the beginning made sense. It made sense. It was communal. It was sharing. It was love. We have shared many times about the apple orchard owner who had too many buckets of apples, but it had no milk. Now, apples are seasonal. Milk is not. Therefore, off season, how could the apple grower have his milk? He could not bring to his neighbour the bucket of apples off season. They would be rotten. So a promise is made, an agreement, but you are forgetful. He said, well, we'll write it on a piece of paper, fear not. And this piece of paper, if you ever show it to me as a reminder, will be my remembering that I owe you a bucket of apples for the milk that you gave me in December. And so the milk is exchanged. Everyone is happy because the farmer with the cows, he is not feeling the anxiety of having to go and knock on doors all over town for his apples and his bread. He has the paper notes that if he should ever need bread, he can go to the baker and show them that bread is due to them. Yes. Of course you are clever. And so you said, well, what we can do is we can universalize this. So not only can I get bread from the baker, but I can give my bread notes to the apple orchard and he can go get the bread from the baker. Now, if you had to write each article on each piece of paper, you would have infinite items. So you said, let us make it mean this. And then you said, well, there are different values to things. It is easier to milk your cow every day than it is to grow an whole apple orchard. Okay. Well, then we will say that milk can buy you a certain number of apples or certain number of apples could get a certain quantity of milk. And then you started using your beautiful numbers system. And lo and behold, here you are. You have added all kinds of fun and games to this. Have you not? You exchange your time for the pieces of paper that say you are due bread. You exchange your energy for the pieces of paper that say you are due apples. But you have forgotten that those pieces of paper are bread and apples. So you put them in a bank now. You say, look how many pieces of paper I have. Forgetting all along that they are the abundance that you have access to in all that is. And now you are attributing those pieces of paper to security, to safety, to worthiness. Numbers. There is not even the paper that is written on any longer. You are attributing to an idea all of your eggs in one basket, so to speak. So it is scary to think that this system is shifting away from the smorgasbord of buy and sell that you have set up for yourselves. These investments or cash, it is scary for you, but it's not scary on the level of what these things actually represent. Because you can, in your future reality, where you are in unity consciousness, get an apple with a smile. You can exchange the gift that you are for the roof over your head. You can tap into your own gifts and have that be recognized by other selves who, out of their love for you, make sure that you have everything you need exactly the same way that nature does. It is not making promises to one another because it has doubt. And those promissory notes that, first, I'm not quite sure that the apple orchard owner is going to pay me back for this milk, comes from your deep sense of suspicion of one another, your otherness, separation consciousness that you chose to have and experience. As you return to a frequency that is more like the animals, you will know that your good deed of providing the milk in December guarantees that someone will either give you apples or something better, guarantees that down the road you will be provided for by the same universe that created the owner of the apple orchard in the first place. Faith will be your new currency and the good news is you can begin to cultivate that now in anticipation of any changes that are arriving. Remember that to evolve, and we did say this some days ago, into a deep knowing of a truth, the best way to really integrate that is to experience its opposite. So as challenges arise to you on this financial game that you are playing, you can feel the feelings that come up, the fear or the anxiety, whatever it might be, and you can also then say, oh good, this means we are one step closer to returning to that free exchange and people tapping into what their gifts truly are. We are sorry that we cannot provide stock that you can invest in in this now moment to ensure your financial security in the future.
Q: [36:45] Thank you.
V: We thank you.
Q04: [36:54] Hi, I wanted to ask about, because the other day you mentioned something like there's nothing written related to the future, so but I wanted to ask you if in a sole level do sole contracts exist and also your opinion on Akashic records?
V: [37:17] So it is nothing but sole contracts. There is nothing outside of the sole contract. That spider that you saw in the bathroom, that is in sole contract with you to be seen in the bathroom, to trigger a conversation about the spider in the bathroom, to trigger a conversation about spiders in general. Who has the biggest spiders? And so, that is the micro level for you. You have a sole contract with every molecule of air that comes in and out of your lungs. You have a sole contract with every being that you know. With every being that you do not know, you have a contract to not know them. And so, you can flow through your life knowing that for you, and this is the conversation we had with you earlier, that while everything is correct for you, it is also correct for everyone else that is involved in that dance. Because for you and them, there is that contract. If you are to be the villain in their story, then there is an agreement that you will do that in this lifetime. If you are to be the hero of their story, there is that agreement. If you are to be the person that steps on their foot when getting on the bus, there is that agreement. So yes, of course, apologize for stepping on everyone's feet, but it was predestined. And by predestined, because there is no real linear time outside of your perception of it, what we mean is you are riding it as you go along. So, you are basically signing contracts left, right, and center. The Akashic records can be seen as, if you would like, the records of all of those contracts being written simultaneously in this now, and having been written through all eternity. Your sole contract, with your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great quake quake quake quake quake Quake quake Quake quake quake revolution grandmother, is such that you would exist. And that is written in the Akashic records and simultaneously she is having her life in this now moment. So, what a lovely thing to be able to reference and there are those of you who are able to reference it, but please remember even in the referencing of it, you are now writing a contract with the Akashic Records. So whatever it is you are finding in them is being written in the now moment in which you are perceiving of that writing or of that information for you. Therefore, you then then have the responsibility, responsibility to tune into whatever it is you are discovering from that moment in which you are revealing to yourself something of that nature as to whether or not this is something on the buffet that resonates with you and you are going to put it on your plate or it is something on the buffet that does not resonate for you and therefore you are going to find out more of what does resonate for you by not putting that thing on your plate. So these writings are infinite. In your individuated life, yes, it can seem to be more limited but it is continuously infinite. Every time you open that book, there is a different page that jumps out. You cannot reference the same page twice because it does not exist twice. So even if you have had a reading and someone has told you this, that, and the other thing, then that is wonderful and if it serves you in that moment, absolutely entertain it and let it go as soon as you can because already in the realization of whatever it is you have discovered, and this goes for all systems, by the way, not just this type of system, but in the moment that you have observed or absorbed even this conversation, the information, you have been changed. Therefore, you are no longer the person that was before that information was received for you or by you or created by you. So we hope this clarifies.
Q: [41:35] Thanks.
V: We thank you.
Q: [41:41] Thank you. Hello, Vagrein.
V: [41:43] Hello.
Q05: [41:44] As I was walking back from lunch, I was approached by somebody who was asking for money. I didn't know this person and I didn't give them any money. Afterwards, I thought about it and I thought about the nature of doing charitable deeds and the impact that that has on your evolving of your soul and how that might impact in other existences than this one and possibly multiple parallel existences. Can you share your thoughts on the nature of charity and the impact on the soul and on the individual being?
V: [42:33] Yes. There's much laden in this particular topic because you are all told that you must be charitable and you are told that you must be giving and you are told many things around this concept by many cultures. And so the answer is no different than for any other question whatsoever. There may be moments in your life in which you say or you feel like your heart is singing as you are giving some coins or as you are donating. And there are other moments where there's another emotion appearing for you, perhaps irritation, perhaps fear, perhaps sorrow or perhaps simply not wanting to and thinking I'd better because it's a good thing to do. The person who has come up to you, is it so contract with you to stimulate anything that then is stimulated within yourself? So it is your responsibility, again, your interest to stop in each of these moments when something is occurring and feel into yourself. Is it joyous to give charity or what is called charity? Is it joyous to participate in certain activities? Is it joyous to engage or is something being triggered in your conditioning? Is something being triggered in your trauma response? We're not saying not to give the charity if that is the case, but it is another opportunity of all of the opportunities you have all throughout the day to have awareness as to where you next want to go with your evolution. And guess what? On Monday, you might feel like emptying your pockets completely and on Tuesday hate everyone and think that they are freeloaders. Both are allowed. And what your homework or ability to grow with would be is to check in for yourself in each now moment beyond the conditioning that you have on this particular topic. You will have wisdom in you on where your impact can be most felt. Sometimes it is not the case that that impact is most felt for a stranger. Sometimes there is impact felt in a different way that is more productive for you. And other times that is the best thing that you can do in that day. That person is in soul contract with you and you are in soul contract with them. The circumstances of your life are very much arbitrary in that you might have been born in a place and they have been born in another place and that is the luck of the draw. But the luck of the draw is also the choices that each individual soul is making to have incarnation in that particular vehicle for that particular lifetime and therefore is aware of everything that goes along with it. One day might arrive that you are one who would give your arms and legs, we do not suggest doing this, would give everything to see someone else's benefits. But there is also that person's entire story of how they got to the state that they are in in the first place. And you do not know what their journey is. So all you can do is predict your best possible choice of action in this now moment. And you can do that based upon your feeling state.
Q: [46:07] Thank you.
V: [46:08] We thank you.
Q06: [46:42] Hi, Vagrein. You've been teaching us of the value of being and also just do the small kind good deeds like smiling at the future scientist or helping or smiling at the future stonemason who can build a church. But the thing is we live in a society that needs a lot of action takers. So can you share with us the wisdom between being and acting?
V: [47:19] They are the same. Because any action you are taking that is not aligned action is not really action or being at all. It is things that you do that are from our perspective quite a waste of energy because they do not have the function that you will expect them to have. You are all skilled in taking aligned action. And every success you've had in your life has been based upon that aligned action. And every unaligned action that you have taken outside of your being state has led you to catalyst that then gets you back on track. Let us go back to that conversation because we do have access to it in the vessel of the stonemason and connect it with something else that you all experienced. We will share the story. There was a conversation outside of this building after one of the sessions of the benefits that most do not notice in their being states. So people often believe that they have to do something grandiose in order to be worthy. And there was an example given of this building having been built by hands, human hands, one brick upon another of the stonemasons that put this building together. And how they probably in that moment had the same insecurities that you can have about what you are doing. Perhaps they thought this is not as wonderful as what my brother is doing. He is the big banker and I am simply placing stones. I do not have an impact in this world and he will go on to have his name on a statue in the piazza. Instead, we are here now benefiting directly from the stonemasons work. And we are in this space because of the merit of that being who had an impact many centuries later. So that being whose life was spent placing one stone upon another is impactful, has gifted to us this opportunity to expand further because without it, we would have to find another place and then it would have been another being whose toil had provided for us. The theme continued later in the day when you had calculated the square in the back of the room that you are now sitting in and our guests offered that it was the French masons who had figured it out. So the vibration of that square was palpable to you all because of the hands and the labor and the toil and the engineering. We also did tell you not to engineer a building without an engineer. Of these same characters, this same job that perhaps to those living those lives did not feel quite so important as their neighbors. We have now had three examples of how important it is to be a good builder because everything that we are experiencing in this now is of merit to those builders that came before you. And it's just not apropos that you are the ones building your lives, that this is the metaphor or the example that came through and you do not know how valuable the stones that you are building them are and you do not know how valuable the hands that you are using as tools are because you are accustomed to them. You look at your hands and you go, these are only my hands. These are only my gifts. They are not important. Look at those person's gifts. I admire them, but mine are kind of meh. You are building something for yourselves and for all.
Q: [51:23] Thank you.
V: [51:24] Thank you.
J: [51:25] We have time for one more question.
Q: [51:42] I've historically made an effort to speak about a position I might take. It might be political. When I feel like the greater good could be served by a viewpoint, especially lately that isn't jumping into the fight, but perhaps providing a perspective that doesn't feed into one side having to feel like they have to win over the other. And very recently, I've been studying some teachings around the malleability of my experience and that perhaps it might be a higher choice for me to just remove my consciousness from all of that, just to separate myself from the news streams and to elevate my experience and just to just take myself out of that. And so I've been contemplating this lately. Neither really seems right or wrong, but there is a bit of a sense that, and maybe a sense of, you know, if I have the ability to be helpful, to step in and do it. And so that's kind of what I would love to get some perspective on. The idea, you know, what are some good choices or some good considerations around when to step in and be helpful and when to just remove it and try to elevate my consciousness out of all of that. Strife.
V: [53:42] Well, strife really is the only word that was important in all of that, was it not? Because if that is how you are seeing it, then it is not the right place for you to be at all. But we will address the question as if we did not hear that last word. Do you actually have the ability to help by stepping in? Is this yours to respond to? Because often, and this is also part of how you set things up, you are offered a buffet of which none of it you could digest. It is not your buffet. You can take the whole thing and say, I am going to another restaurant. Because in offering you everything that you would not want, over time, you get into a space where you think that this is all that's on offer. If you keep looking at something that you do not want for long enough and enough examples of something you do not want for long enough, you are choosing to continue to go to those restaurants. Eventually, you will get hungry enough to put some of that on your plate. And then you will have to eat it and digest it and it will not be pleasant for you. But you do have free will and you can go to other restaurants and you can find the things that would be delicious for you to nourish yourself, to satiate that hunger. And then, you're not saying never go to the, shall we call it, unhealthy restaurant. It can be fun at times. It can be fun to eat a very large meal with saccharine drinks and loud music playing and paper napkins falling all over the floor off each table because it is so saucy. That can be entertaining for an evening. But if you were to go every day and in a state of hunger and find that you had to eat something that was not really meant for your body, every day, eventually, you would get unwell from it or believe even worse that that was what life is. It is not. These restaurants, sticking with the metaphor, are created to make you believe that life is not worth living. They are created to make you believe that you do not have sovereignty, that this is the only choice on offer because those other restaurants will have you doing wonderful things within your life. You focusing on your desires or focusing on your love or focusing on your hobbies or your passions will have you spreading that throughout the universe. And the problematic outcome of that is that other people begin to say that they are sovereign as well. Oopsie daisy. So we would say it is wise to hold some suspicion when you are being fed information that is off in some way, whatever it is. And it will often play upon your compassion. It will often ask you to choose a side or to protect the underling or to do the right thing or to take some action or else or if you're not with us, you're against us. The energy of each and every one of those statements is off. And so take your pauses. Find the things that do feel delicious to you and focus upon those. At some point, you might have the constitution to be able to go and hang out in those restaurants and coax one or two of them out the door with you. Master it, because you will not be impacted. You will not be trying to convince them which awful plate to take at that buffet. You'll be whispering, I know a place down the road. Come, come. We thank you.
And with that, we leave you with the light and the love of a thousand suns.