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Il Pranic Healing è una terapia basata sull'energia senza contatto che utilizza Prana, Chi o l'energia vitale del corpo per migliorare la salute, sia essa fisica, emotiva, circostanziale o psicologica.


È stato sviluppato e introdotto nel 1987 dal Grand Master Choa Kok Sui attraverso la pubblicazione di un libro intitolato "The Ancient Science and art of Pranic Healing".


Il Pranic Healing è descritto come la scienza e l'arte di usare l'energia per guarire il corpo. Tutte le cose sono fatte di energia. Tuttavia, se ci sono disturbi ai corpi energetici di un individuo, ne seguirà "malattia". Ciò che fa il Pranic Healing è purificare, energizzare ed equilibrare i sistemi energetici, promuovendo così il benessere e la buona salute a tutti i livelli... fisicamente, emotivamente, mentalmente e spiritualmente.


Il Pranic Healing si basa sulle leggi naturali dell'universo.


Lo studio scientifico sul campo del punto zero sostiene la posizione che tutta la materia è fatta di energia e tutta l'energia è modellata dall'intenzione. Il Pranic Healing utilizza l'intenzione del praticante e del cliente di modellare i campi energetici per una salute, un allineamento, un equilibrio e una funzione ottimali.


Pranic Energy Healing ti aiuterà a eliminare i blocchi nel tuo corpo, chakra, meridiani e vita. Funziona a livello fisico, emotivo, mentale, energetico e circostanziale perché cerca di eliminare i blocchi dell'intero sistema. Qualunque sia il disturbo o il problema, il Pranic Healing e il tuo impegno a spostare il blocco mostreranno miglioramenti .

What will we do?

Work together, hand in hand towards a space where you have complete confidence in your gifts thereby allowing you to finally share them fully with humanity.


I know, I've been there in that space right before surrender when all you can sense or see is fear around you.  I know all the thoughts that arise:


  • What will others think? 

  • What if I'm crazy? 

  • What if I'm not good-enough to complete my mission?

  • How can I find my voice?


I know how hard it was to calm and quiet those thoughts on my own and I also know that it was those thoughts themselves that prevented me from taking the first steps towards truly being and embodying myself.

I also know how to walk you through... step by step the deconditioning necessary to really let yourself, and your special gifts, shine.


What's included in the 12 weeks?
  • 2 personal Human Design readings

  • 1 Channeling Session for deep clarity with Vagrein

  • 9 more 1hr coaching sessions

  • complete support for your opening of your gifts

  • access to Jessie via chat for the duration of the relationship

  • motivation and tools to allow you to surrender into yourself.





Apply for the Program

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We’ll get back to you shortly via email with a message on next steps!

The Tools
In my practice I use and teach the following tools:
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

  • Human Design

  • Gene Keys

  • Direct communication with your higher self

  • Pranic Energy Healing

  • Visualisation Techniques

  • The Sedona Method

  • Channeling with Vagrein

  • Byron Katie's 'The Work'

  • Opposites Exercises

  • Law Of Attraction Manifestation Practices

  • The Sedona Method

  • Quantum Jumping

  • ... and more!


Each coach-ee benefits from my database of esoteric and practical knowledge on a bespoke basis.

This Coaching Relationship is for you if you:
  • truly want to access your gifts 

  • stop fearing your powers

  • know who you really are

  • heal leftover beliefs that you feel are preventing you from moving forward

  • are truly ready to push your own limits and begin to shine. 

  • ​

This is the package that will guide you into understanding that the magic and beauty comes through you is what is creating the new You-niverse.


The starting point is to review and understand your unique Human Design Profile. Then we will work together to find out what it is that the magical sensations that are coming through you are asking of you and how to meet that call.


The traditional talk-based coaching aspect of this package will cover more concretely your day-to-day experience and where it is you can improve how you show up as your full multidimensional self. 


In your Vagrein channeling session you will have direct access to source wisdom which will help you to move even further into your gifts.


This package is so potent that you will not recognize yourself at the end of the 12 weeks together, or rather, what emerges you will finally be able to recognize as your true self. I do not go easy on people when they are in transformation but I do balance the wisdom I have to offer with love. 


Who is this NOT for?
  • anyone with a victim mentality 


You will definitely be challenged and bring up some old emotional baggage. We will unpack it together, but please note that you are taking full responsibility for your own wellbeing while doing this work.



*** I no longer enter into one-time coaching sessions with clients because I have found that they do not reap the same benefits that they might if working together for a longer term.


What happens is that they take onboard the teach/learnings offered in the session for only a short time and without the support of an ongoing relationship do not make the necessary changes to make real progress.


You would not go to a personal trainer at the gym just one time, be shown the machines and then give up. If you want to train a muscle and know you will benefit from a coach in doing so you have to make the commitment to showing up week after week and putting in the effort otherwise it's a waste of everyone's time, and importantly, your money.


I also realize that not everyone is in the same financial position. For this reason, if you do resonate with the package but cannot commit at the moment to the full 12 weeks I am also offering a reduced version as a 6 week commitment.



The 12 Week Magical You-niverse Coaching program is now available for €1500 



If you prefer the 6 week reduced Magical You-niverse Coaching program it is now available for €800



I hope everything is clear. I'm really excited to work with you or answer any further questions you might have. I really sense that it's going to be an amazing journey and I can't wait to see what comes through you.

This new coaching program is reserved for those of you who:
  • feel an inner divine calling 

  • sense, suspect or know themselves to have extrasensory abilities

  • feel themselves to be on the edge of accepting and allowing  their gifts to come through them

  • knows that they have come here with a special purpose though don't feel they yet know what that is

  • don't yet have clarity on direction or know how to release

  • would love support or guidance on tapping into their gifts and bringing them to the world


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